Team - Meadowvale S.S.
Standings Schedule Roster News
MSL Varsity Girls HS Tourn. April 3 - Group B Standings
  GP  W  L  T  GF  GA  PTS  GD  WP Calendar Sync
St. Michael C.S.S. 440029312261,000
Our Lady of Mount Carmel 4310114970,750
St. Thomas Aquinas 422086620,500
St Marguerite D'Youville 41306123-60,250
Meadowvale S.S. 40400290-290,000
Meadowvale S.S.'s Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
mi.-abr. 3   Meadowvale S.S. 0 - 7 Our Lady of Mount Carmel Complete PFFC Dome Regular 
mi.-abr. 3   St. Michael C.S.S. 15 - 0 Meadowvale S.S. Complete PFFC Field House Regular 
mi.-abr. 3   Meadowvale S.S. 0 - 3 St. Thomas Aquinas Complete PFFC Dome Regular 
mi.-abr. 3   Meadowvale S.S. 0 - 4 St Marguerite D'Youville Complete PFFC Field House Regular