MSL Summer 2024 - Co-Ed Serie A    (mayo de 2024)
Standings Schedule News Details
MSL Summer 2024 - Co-Ed Serie A Standings
  GP  W  L  T  OTL  GF  GA  PTS  WP  GD Calendar Sync
Balls and Dolls (Pink) 1273203732230,5835
Son of Pitches (Black) 1264203928200,50011
FFA United (Red) 1252502925200,4174
Freaks in Cleats (Pink) 1266002932180,500-3
Hot Cheetos (Pink/Blue) 1247102842130,333-14
What's Your Name Again FC (Red) 1238102031100,250-11
Ainsworth FC (Blue) 1238103047100,250-17
Underdogs FC (Light Blue) 1221000215860,167-37
MSL Summer 2024 - Co-Ed Serie A Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
lu.-may. 27   McGinn and Tonic 3 - 2 Balls and Dolls (Pink) Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-may. 27   FFA United (Red) 3 - 3 Fuego FC Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-may. 27   Hot Cheetos (Pink/Blue) 4 - 9 Just Tryna Kick It Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-may. 27   What's Your Name Again FC (Red) 0 - 1 Underdogs FC (Light Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-may. 27   Honey Badgers 8 - 1 Ainsworth FC (Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-may. 27   Starbucks Lovers 11 - 2 Freaks in Cleats (Pink) Complete PFFC Field House - C Regular 
lu.-may. 27   Son of Pitches (Black) 2 - 4 Bakers FC Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-jun. 3   Beercelona FC 8 - 0 Underdogs FC (Light Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-jun. 3   What's Your Name Again FC (Red) 1 - 4 Bakers FC Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-jun. 3   Ainsworth FC (Blue) 1 - 5 Freaks in Cleats (Pink) Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-jun. 3   FFA United (Red) 0 - 4 Cleats and Cleavage Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-jun. 3   Hot Cheetos (Pink/Blue) 1 - 0 Sons of Pitches Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-jun. 3   Cirque Du Sore Legs 7 - 1 Balls and Dolls (Pink) Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-jun. 3   Hot Cheetos 1 - 0 Son of Pitches (Black) Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-jun. 10   FFA United (Red) 1 - 1 Petr Check Yourself Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-jun. 10   Hot Cheetos (Pink/Blue) 2 - 6 Cirillo FC Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-jun. 10   Balls and Dolls (Pink) 3 - 2 Underdogs FC (Light Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-jun. 10   Son of Pitches (Black) 7 - 5 What's Your Name Again FC (Red) Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-jun. 10   Freaks in Cleats (Pink) 3 - 1 Ainsworth FC (Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-jun. 17   FFA United (Red) 1 - 9 Sausages and Tacos Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-jun. 17   Freaks in Cleats (Pink) 3 - 0 What's Your Name Again FC (Red) Complete PFFC Field House - C Regular 
lu.-jun. 17   Son of Pitches (Black) 4 - 0 Underdogs FC (Light Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-jun. 17   Hot Cheetos (Pink/Blue) 0 - 5 Gambli Baddies Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-jun. 17   Balls and Dolls (Pink) 5 - 3 Ainsworth FC (Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-jun. 24   What's Your Name Again FC (Red) 5 - 2 Underdogs FC (Light Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-jun. 24   Balls and Dolls (Pink) 2 - 1 Freaks in Cleats (Pink) Complete PFFC Field House - C Regular 
lu.-jun. 24   FFA United (Red) 1 - 1 Son of Pitches (Black) Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-jun. 24   Ainsworth FC (Blue) 2 - 4 Hot Cheetos (Pink/Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
ju.-jul. 4   Son of Pitches (Black) 2 - 1 Freaks in Cleats (Pink) Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
ju.-jul. 4   Ainsworth FC (Blue) 2 - 2 FFA United (Red) Complete PFFC Field House - C Regular 
ju.-jul. 4   Underdogs FC (Light Blue) 2 - 5 Hot Cheetos (Pink/Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
ju.-jul. 4   Balls and Dolls (Pink) 4 - 1 What's Your Name Again FC (Red) Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-jul. 8   Son of Pitches (Black) 4 - 3 Hot Cheetos (Pink/Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-jul. 8   FFA United (Red) 2 - 2 Balls and Dolls (Pink) Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-jul. 8   Ainsworth FC (Blue) 1 - 2 What's Your Name Again FC (Red) Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-jul. 8   Freaks in Cleats (Pink) 2 - 4 Underdogs FC (Light Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-jul. 15   Underdogs FC (Light Blue) 3 - 8 Ainsworth FC (Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-jul. 15   Son of Pitches (Black) 2 - 3 What's Your Name Again FC (Red) Complete PFFC Field House - C Regular 
lu.-jul. 15   FFA United (Red) 5 - 0 Freaks in Cleats (Pink) Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-jul. 15   Balls and Dolls (Pink) 1 - 4 Hot Cheetos (Pink/Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-jul. 22   Son of Pitches (Black) 6 - 2 Underdogs FC (Light Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-jul. 22   Ainsworth FC (Blue) 2 - 7 Balls and Dolls (Pink) Complete PFFC Field House - C Regular 
lu.-jul. 22   Hot Cheetos (Pink/Blue) 1 - 1 What's Your Name Again FC (Red) Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-jul. 22   FFA United (Red) 2 - 0 Freaks in Cleats (Pink) Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-jul. 29   Underdogs FC (Light Blue) 1 - 6 Freaks in Cleats (Pink) Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-jul. 29   What's Your Name Again FC (Red) 0 - 1 Balls and Dolls (Pink) Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-jul. 29   Son of Pitches (Black) 5 - 1 Ainsworth FC (Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - C Regular 
lu.-jul. 29   FFA United (Red) 4 - 0 Hot Cheetos (Pink/Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
ju.-ago. 8   Ainsworth FC (Blue) 5 - 1 Underdogs FC (Light Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
ju.-ago. 8   Balls and Dolls (Pink) 4 - 2 Hot Cheetos (Pink/Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
ju.-ago. 8   FFA United (Red) 2 - 0 What's Your Name Again FC (Red) Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
ju.-ago. 8   Freaks in Cleats (Pink) 2 - 1 Son of Pitches (Black) Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-ago. 12   Freaks in Cleats (Pink) 4 - 2 Hot Cheetos (Pink/Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-ago. 12   FFA United (Red) 6 - 3 Underdogs FC (Light Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - C Regular 
lu.-ago. 12   Balls and Dolls (Pink) 5 - 5 Son of Pitches (Black) Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-ago. 12   Ainsworth FC (Blue) 3 - 2 What's Your Name Again FC (Red) Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-ago. 19   Freaks in Cleats (Pink) 2 - 1 Hot Cheetos (Pink/Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - D Postseason-Game # 4 
lu.-ago. 19   FFA United (Red) 3 - 0 What's Your Name Again FC (Red) Complete PFFC Field House - B Postseason-Game # 3 
lu.-ago. 19   Son of Pitches (Black) 6 - 2 Ainsworth FC (Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - C Postseason-Game # 2 
lu.-ago. 19   Balls and Dolls (Pink) 3 - 0 Underdogs FC (Light Blue) Complete PFFC Field House - A Postseason-Game # 1 
lu.-ago. 26   Balls and Dolls (Pink) 4 - 3 Freaks in Cleats (Pink) Complete PFFC Field House - B Postseason-Semi # 1 
lu.-ago. 26   Son of Pitches (Black) 6 - 0 FFA United (Red) Complete PFFC Field House - C Postseason-Semi # 2 
lu.-ago. 26   Winner of Semi # 1 2 - 3 Winner of Semi # 2 Complete PFFC Field House - C Postseason-Final  
League Details
League Type: LeagueRoundRobin
Demographic: Coed Open (Over 18)
Division: Recreational
Sport: Indoor Soccer (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 27/05/2024
End Date: 26/08/2024
Status: Complete
Team Fee: 1.608,75 $
Other Fee Info:
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