MSL Basketball - Wednesday - Division #2    (febrero de 2019)
Standings Schedule News Details Player Stats
Player Stats
MSL Basketball - Wednesday - Division #2 Standings
  GP  W  L  T  PF  PA  PTS  PD  WP Calendar Sync
@DynamicDentalHygiene 121020801590202110,833
UN 121020730530202000,833
Treyway 12102064959020590,833
To Be Announced 1284063759116460,667
Valley Oops 1266055650912470,500
Bristol Ballers 1266070974512-360,500
Rinse and Repeat 124805035248-210,333
Brick 123904836586-1750,250
The Millennialz 1221004575964-1390,167
The Jumpmen 1211105727642-1920,083
MSL Basketball - Wednesday - Division #2 Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
mi.-feb. 13   The Millennialz 28 - 54 Valley Oops Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-feb. 13   To Be Announced 34 - 79 UN Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-feb. 13   @DynamicDentalHygiene 61 - 64 Treyway Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-feb. 13   The Jumpmen 47 - 70 Bristol Ballers Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-feb. 13   Rinse and Repeat 49 - 21 Brick Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-feb. 20   Brick 54 - 51 The Jumpmen Complete zBurnhamthorpe CC Regular 
mi.-feb. 20   Bristol Ballers 58 - 56 Valley Oops Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-feb. 20   Rinse and Repeat 33 - 46 Treyway Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-feb. 20   @DynamicDentalHygiene 66 - 55 To Be Announced Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-feb. 20   UN 37 - 16 The Millennialz Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-feb. 27   Bristol Ballers 64 - 73 UN Complete zMeadowvale CC Regular 
mi.-feb. 27   Valley Oops 47 - 26 Brick Complete zMeadowvale CC Regular 
mi.-feb. 27   The Millennialz 26 - 57 To Be Announced Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-feb. 27   Treyway 60 - 39 The Jumpmen Complete zMeadowvale CC Regular 
mi.-feb. 27   @DynamicDentalHygiene 55 - 43 Rinse and Repeat Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-mar. 6   Rinse and Repeat 69 - 50 The Jumpmen Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-mar. 6   UN 74 - 40 Brick Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-mar. 6   @DynamicDentalHygiene 76 - 55 The Millennialz Complete zBurnhamthorpe CC Regular 
mi.-mar. 6   Treyway 47 - 40 Valley Oops Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-mar. 6   To Be Announced 64 - 61 Bristol Ballers Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-mar. 13   Treyway 40 - 68 UN Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-mar. 13   To Be Announced 37 - 47 Brick Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-mar. 13   Rinse and Repeat 27 - 42 Valley Oops Complete zMeadowvale CC Regular 
mi.-mar. 13   The Jumpmen 45 - 68 @DynamicDentalHygiene Complete zMeadowvale CC Regular 
mi.-mar. 13   The Millennialz 40 - 48 Bristol Ballers Complete zMeadowvale CC Regular 
mi.-mar. 20   Rinse and Repeat 42 - 45 UN Complete zBurnhamthorpe CC Regular 
mi.-mar. 20   @DynamicDentalHygiene 97 - 47 Bristol Ballers Complete zBurnhamthorpe CC Regular 
mi.-mar. 20   To Be Announced 44 - 46 Treyway Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-mar. 20   The Jumpmen 33 - 52 Valley Oops Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-mar. 20   The Millennialz 46 - 45 Brick Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-mar. 27   The Jumpmen 36 - 72 UN Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-mar. 27   Bristol Ballers 54 - 66 Brick Complete zMeadowvale CC Regular 
mi.-mar. 27   The Millennialz 36 - 41 Treyway Complete zMeadowvale CC Regular 
mi.-mar. 27   Rinse and Repeat 28 - 37 To Be Announced Complete zMeadowvale CC Regular 
mi.-mar. 27   Valley Oops 35 - 49 @DynamicDentalHygiene Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-abr. 3   Valley Oops 32 - 52 UN Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-abr. 3   The Millennialz 27 - 36 Rinse and Repeat Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-abr. 3   The Jumpmen 46 - 86 To Be Announced Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-abr. 3   Brick 39 - 72 @DynamicDentalHygiene Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-abr. 3   Bristol Ballers 54 - 65 Treyway Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-abr. 10   Brick 43 - 65 Treyway Complete zBurnhamthorpe CC Regular 
mi.-abr. 10   Valley Oops 45 - 54 To Be Announced Complete zBurnhamthorpe CC Regular 
mi.-abr. 10   The Jumpmen 58 - 59 The Millennialz Complete zBurnhamthorpe CC Regular 
mi.-abr. 10   UN 55 - 61 @DynamicDentalHygiene Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-abr. 10   Bristol Ballers 52 - 41 Rinse and Repeat Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-abr. 17   Brick 32 - 45 Rinse and Repeat Complete zBurnhamthorpe CC Regular 
mi.-abr. 17   Valley Oops 35 - 32 The Millennialz Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-abr. 17   Treyway 52 - 73 @DynamicDentalHygiene Complete zBurnhamthorpe CC Regular 
mi.-abr. 17   Bristol Ballers 68 - 64 The Jumpmen Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-abr. 17   UN 43 - 54 To Be Announced Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-abr. 24   Treyway 53 - 50 Rinse and Repeat Complete zBurnhamthorpe CC Regular 
mi.-abr. 24   Valley Oops 54 - 69 Bristol Ballers Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-abr. 24   Brick 36 - 54 The Jumpmen Complete zBurnhamthorpe CC Regular 
mi.-abr. 24   UN 54 - 47 The Millennialz Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-abr. 24   To Be Announced 60 - 59 @DynamicDentalHygiene Complete zBurnhamthorpe CC Regular 
mi.-may. 1   To Be Announced 55 - 45 The Millennialz Complete zBurnhamthorpe CC Regular 
mi.-may. 1   UN 78 - 64 Bristol Ballers Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-may. 1   Brick 34 - 64 Valley Oops Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-may. 1   @DynamicDentalHygiene 64 - 40 Rinse and Repeat Complete zClarkson Regular 
mi.-may. 1   Treyway 70 - 49 The Jumpmen Complete zClarkson Regular 
ma.-may. 7   Rinse and Repeat 58 - 45 The Jumpmen Complete zClarkson Postseason-Game #1 
ma.-may. 7   Brick (Forfeit) 0 - 20 The Millennialz Complete zClarkson Postseason-Game #2 
mi.-may. 8   Treyway 73 - 74 Bristol Ballers Complete zBurnhamthorpe CC Postseason-Game #5 
mi.-may. 8   To Be Announced 29 - 53 Valley Oops Complete zBurnhamthorpe CC Postseason-Game #6 
mi.-may. 8   @DynamicDentalHygiene 63 - 28 The Millennialz Complete zClarkson Postseason-Game #3 
mi.-may. 8   UN 40 - 43 Rinse and Repeat Complete zClarkson Postseason-Game #4 
mi.-may. 15   Treyway  v  To Be Announced Result Pending zBurnhamthorpe CC Exhibition 
mi.-may. 15   Rinse and Repeat  v  Bristol Ballers Result Pending zBurnhamthorpe CC Postseason-Semi #2 
mi.-may. 15   @DynamicDentalHygiene 73 - 36 Valley Oops Complete zClarkson Postseason-Semi #1 
mi.-may. 22   @DynamicDentalHygiene  v  Rinse and Repeat Result Pending zClarkson Postseason-Finals 
 EquipoJugador#Games PlayedPointsReboundsAssistsBlocksStealsAvg Pt PTF
1@DynamicDentalHygieneRichard Dynamic 1012447290,000
2@DynamicDentalHygieneMatt Dynamic 11893913040,000
3@DynamicDentalHygieneGabe Dynamic 914835331200,001
4@DynamicDentalHygieneJerald Dynamic 71063514190,000
5@DynamicDentalHygieneMiah Dynamic 10612115070,000
6@DynamicDentalHygieneBen Dynamic 7582113030,000
7@DynamicDentalHygieneAge Dynamic 9322218060,000
8@DynamicDentalHygienePatrick Dynamic 341234090,000
9@DynamicDentalHygieneSteven Dynamic 91267172070,000
10@DynamicDentalHygieneJeremiah A 31635010,000
11UNPaul R 1010347213130,000
12UNJay Dela Vina 61085060,000
13UNJohn Dela Vina 10822022090,000
14UNAlvaro G 715161110,000
15UNRobert N 644710100,000
16UNZaid .. 6362911070,000
17UNOmer M 1060524970,000
18UNZiggy United 6441910050,000
19UNErros C 628158020,000
20UNCJ S 755149260,000
21UNHarry H 1014695241110,000
22TreywayJohn P 7281410120,000
23TreywayTim D 115123110110,000
24TreywayRayhan N 1228334330,000
25TreywayHarrison B 1215022290140,000
26TreywayDevon H 1312457115140,000
27TreywayShayne H 12896716380,000
28TreywayOscar C 92873030,000
29TreywayLesean A 13164812417110,000
30TreywayOsa TreWay 623283330,000
31BrickJim H 10283011140,000
32BrickMatt E 735309170,000
33BrickJordan A 1020613740,000
34BrickTroy Singh 65151020,000
35BrickJosh Park 1163206080,000
36BrickCorey Nicholson 618140120,000
37BrickAlex Lee 6571000,000
38BrickGreg Seppala 81043314060,000
39BrickDarrell Chang 511132020,000
40BrickMatt Ho 441233010,000
41BrickAlfonzo Brick 1040000,000
42BrickUgo Brick 1021000,000
43BrickDave Brick 1021000,000
44BrickNate C 33362010,000
45BrickHugo L 7942910170,000
46BrickMatt N 1020000,000
47To Be Announced Lito TBA 12447424410,000
48To Be Announced Malcolm TBA 1066178150,000
49To Be Announced Josh TBA 862494230,000
50To Be Announced Murkian TBA 2030020,000
51To Be Announced Raf TBA 970203010,000
52To Be Announced Shaka TBA 85347121230,000
53To Be Announced Jordan TBA 1010000,000
54To Be Announced Samir TBA 1020000,000
55To Be Announced James TBA 81768016550,000
56Valley Oops Paul L 932337110,000
57Valley Oops Mark S.  1139226140,000
58Valley Oops Dominic W 1114248142130,000
59Valley Oops Phillip Dos Santos 125229273170,000
60Valley Oops Domenic G 12454213150,000
61Valley Oops Michael M 1099516570,000
62Valley Oops Thomas M 104446110110,000
63Valley Oops Mark O 1234439260,000
64Valley Oops Patrick Szyller 823434030,000
65Valley Oops Patrick Salweirz 1147428050,000
66Rinse and RepeatMilad A 938147070,000
67Rinse and RepeatDave C 1238524040,000
68Rinse and RepeatAl G. 5371010030,000
69Rinse and RepeatTomiwa O 1210479154120,000
70Rinse and RepeatChetan Patel 61178020,000
71Rinse and RepeatMehdi K 926365360,000
72Rinse and RepeatArthur Y 111292371110,000
73Rinse and RepeatOlatoye A 125957195110,000
74Rinse and RepeatChad P 31532010,000
75Rinse and RepeatAndre Rinse and Repeat 555202130,000
76Rinse and RepeatAlberto RR 21122010,000
77Bristol BallersMayur P 910202030,000
78Bristol BallersCasey T 740114010,000
79Bristol BallersShalin P 5361000,000
80Bristol BallersBasir A 416206010,000
81Bristol BallersAli A 71152814080,000
82Bristol BallersJr H 41681010,000
83Bristol BallersNaveed D 82147015370,000
84Bristol BallersKeegan B 10162599370,000
85Bristol BallersUmer Bristol Ballers 75194000,000
86Bristol BallersPat Bristol Ballers 81040000,000
87The MillennialzPeter S 624184100,000
88The MillennialzSteve S 8333014050,000
89The MillennialzChris F 1928105170,000
90The MillennialzMilad A 938147070,000
91The MillennialzPhillip D 1084602440,000
92The MillennialzBryan F 94216050,000
93The MillennialzJay B 117146151100,000
94The MillennialzSpiros M 422142000,000
95The MillennialzDave O 981464260,000
96The MillennialzMatt C 629154080,000
97The JumpmenJames Mojica 101553224070,000
98The JumpmenHarry Ngo 118350181130,000
99The JumpmenStjepan Macadin 1215942140150,000
100The JumpmenRamjeet Brar 1287508050,000
101The JumpmenSean Jairam 931462340,000
102The JumpmenTrevor Jairam 814133030,000
103The JumpmenAsad Nasit 313236010,000
104The JumpmenBurty Ng 610206040,000
League Details
League Type: LeagueRoundRobin
Demographic: Men's 18 & up
Division: Division
Sport: Basketball (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 13/02/2019
End Date: 22/05/2019
Status: Complete
Team Fee: 1.520,00 $
PlayerFee: 216,00 $
Other Fee Info:
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