MSL Soccer - CoEd Premier League    (septiembre de 2016)
MSL Soccer - CoEd Premier League Standings
  GP  W  L  T  GF  GA  PTS  GD  WP Calendar Sync
Back That Pass Up 141220754336320,857
Boston Size 141022533832150,714
Sauga FC 14932533629170,643
Crown Royals FC 14833502727230,571
20 FC 1458140391610,357
Turfinators 14590435915-160,357
Footy FC 144100315112-200,286
balotellitubbies 1328330569-260,154
Los Gordos FC 13111142684-260,077
NO GAME 000000000,000
MSL Soccer - CoEd Premier League Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
lu.-sep. 26   balotellitubbies 0 - 3 Boston Size Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-sep. 26   NO GAME P Turfinators Postponed PFFC Field House - D Regular 
ju.-sep. 29   Footy FC 3 - 1 Los Gordos FC Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
ju.-sep. 29   20 FC 2 - 4 Back That Pass Up Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
ju.-sep. 29   Sauga FC 2 - 2 Crown Royals FC Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-oct. 3   Sauga FC 1 - 3 Back That Pass Up Complete PFFC Dome - 1 Regular 
lu.-oct. 3   balotellitubbies 5 - 5 Los Gordos FC Complete PFFC Dome - 1 Regular 
lu.-oct. 3   Footy FC 2 - 6 20 FC Complete PFFC Dome - 1 Regular 
lu.-oct. 3   Turfinators 3 - 2 Crown Royals FC Complete PFFC Dome - 4 Regular 
lu.-oct. 3   NO GAME P Boston Size Postponed PFFC Dome - 1 Regular 
lu.-oct. 17   NO GAME P balotellitubbies Postponed PFFC Dome - 3 Regular 
lu.-oct. 17   Turfinators 7 - 4 20 FC Complete PFFC Dome - 3 Regular 
lu.-oct. 17   Boston Size 2 - 7 Back That Pass Up Complete PFFC Dome - 2 Regular 
sá.-oct. 22   Footy FC P NO GAME Postponed PFFC Dome - 1 Regular 
sá.-oct. 22   Footy FC 4 - 3 Los Gordos FC Complete PFFC Dome - 4 Regular 
sá.-oct. 22   Footy FC R Sauga FC Rescheduled PFFC Dome - 2 Regular 
sá.-oct. 22   Crown Royals FC R Los Gordos FC Rescheduled PFFC Dome - 4 Regular 
lu.-oct. 24   Back That Pass Up 6 - 3 Los Gordos FC Complete PFFC Dome - 2 Regular 
lu.-oct. 24   Boston Size 4 - 2 20 FC Complete PFFC Dome - 3 Regular 
lu.-oct. 24   Turfinators 1 - 4 Sauga FC Complete PFFC Dome - 2 Regular 
lu.-oct. 24   Crown Royals FC 2 - 2 balotellitubbies Complete PFFC Dome - 4 Regular 
lu.-oct. 31   NO GAME P Crown Royals FC Postponed PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-oct. 31   20 FC 7 - 2 Los Gordos FC Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-oct. 31   balotellitubbies 3 - 10 Back That Pass Up Complete PFFC Field House - C Regular 
lu.-oct. 31   Sauga FC 6 - 3 Boston Size Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-oct. 31   Footy FC 4 - 2 Turfinators Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-nov. 7   Los Gordos FC 3 - 6 Sauga FC Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-nov. 7   Turfinators 2 - 6 Boston Size Complete PFFC Field House - C Regular 
lu.-nov. 7   NO GAME P Back That Pass Up Postponed PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-nov. 7   Footy FC 0 - 6 Crown Royals FC Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-nov. 7   balotellitubbies 0 - 3 20 FC Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-nov. 14   Turfinators 5 - 4 Los Gordos FC Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-nov. 14   20 FC P NO GAME Postponed PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-nov. 14   Boston Size 3 - 1 Footy FC Complete PFFC Field House - C Regular 
lu.-nov. 14   Sauga FC 4 - 4 balotellitubbies Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-nov. 14   Crown Royals FC 3 - 2 Back That Pass Up Complete PFFC Dome - 1 Regular 
lu.-nov. 21   Turfinators 7 - 3 balotellitubbies Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-nov. 21   Back That Pass Up 4 - 3 Footy FC Complete PFFC Field House - C Regular 
lu.-nov. 21   NO GAME P Sauga FC Postponed PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-nov. 21   Crown Royals FC 2 - 1 20 FC Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-nov. 21   Boston Size 7 - 4 Los Gordos FC Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-nov. 28   Crown Royals FC 4 - 1 Sauga FC Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-nov. 28   Back That Pass Up 5 - 2 20 FC Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-nov. 28   Boston Size 3 - 2 balotellitubbies Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-nov. 28   Los Gordos FC 5 - 3 Footy FC Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-nov. 28   Turfinators P NO GAME Postponed PFFC Field House - B Regular 
ju.-dic. 1   Crown Royals FC 4 - 1 Los Gordos FC Complete PFFC Dome - 3 Regular 
lu.-dic. 5   Boston Size 2 - 2 20 FC Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-dic. 5   Crown Royals FC 6 - 1 Turfinators Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-dic. 5   Back That Pass Up 5 - 4 Sauga FC Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-dic. 5   Los Gordos FC 2 - 3 balotellitubbies Complete PFFC Dome - 1 Regular 
lu.-dic. 5   20 FC 2 - 1 Footy FC Complete PFFC Dome - 2 Regular 
ju.-dic. 8   Footy FC (Forfeit) 0 - 3 Sauga FC Complete PFFC Dome - 3 Regular 
ju.-dic. 8   Boston Size 6 - 3 Turfinators Complete PFFC Dome - 2 Regular 
lu.-dic. 12   Back That Pass Up 4 - 2 Turfinators Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-dic. 12   Boston Size 2 - 2 Crown Royals FC Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-dic. 12   balotellitubbies 7 - 3 Footy FC Complete PFFC Dome - 2 Regular 
lu.-dic. 12   20 FC 1 - 2 Sauga FC Complete PFFC Dome - 1 Regular 
lu.-dic. 12   Los Gordos FC P NO GAME Postponed PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-dic. 19   Sauga FC 6 - 1 Footy FC Complete PFFC Field House - C Regular 
lu.-dic. 19   20 FC 3 - 0 Turfinators Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-dic. 19   Los Gordos FC 3 - 8 Crown Royals FC Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-dic. 19   balotellitubbies P NO GAME Postponed PFFC Dome - 1 Regular 
lu.-dic. 19   Back That Pass Up 5 - 7 Boston Size Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
ma.-dic. 27   Back That Pass Up 6 - 3 Crown Royals FC Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
ma.-dic. 27   balotellitubbies (Forfeit) 0 - 3 Sauga FC Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
ma.-dic. 27   Footy FC (Forfeit) 0 - 3 Turfinators Complete PFFC Field House - D Regular 
lu.-ene. 2   Los Gordos FC  v  NO GAME Result Pending PFFC Dome - 2 Regular 
lu.-ene. 2   Sauga FC 5 - 4 20 FC Complete PFFC Dome - 1 Regular 
lu.-ene. 2   Back That Pass Up 7 - 2 Turfinators Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-ene. 2   Footy FC 6 - 0 balotellitubbies Complete PFFC Dome - 2 Regular 
lu.-ene. 2   Crown Royals FC 1 - 2 Boston Size Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-ene. 9   20 FC 1 - 3 Boston Size Complete PFFC Field House - A Regular 
lu.-ene. 9   balotellitubbies 1 - 5 Crown Royals FC Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-ene. 9   Sauga FC 6 - 5 Turfinators Complete PFFC Dome - 2 Regular 
lu.-ene. 9   Los Gordos FC 6 - 7 Back That Pass Up Complete PFFC Field House - B Regular 
lu.-ene. 9   NO GAME P Footy FC Postponed PFFC Dome - 2 Regular 
ju.-ene. 19   Los Gordos FC 1 - 0 balotellitubbies Complete PFFC Field House - A Postseason-Game #1 
ju.-ene. 19   Back That Pass Up 4 - 3 Los Gordos FC Complete PFFC Field House - A Postseason-Game 2 
ju.-ene. 19   Sauga FC 4 - 1 Turfinators Complete PFFC Field House - B Postseason-Game 4 
ju.-ene. 19   Crown Royals FC 3 - 2 20 FC Complete PFFC Field House - C Postseason-Game 5 
ju.-ene. 19   Boston Size 3 - 0 Footy FC Complete PFFC Field House - D Postseason-Game 3 
lu.-ene. 23   Back That Pass Up 9 - 1 Crown Royals FC Complete PFFC Field House - A Postseason-Semi Final #1 
lu.-ene. 23   Boston Size 4 - 3 Sauga FC Complete PFFC Field House - D Postseason-Semi Final #2 
lu.-ene. 23   Winner of Semi 1 5 - 1 Winner of Semi 2 Complete PFFC Field House - D Postseason-Finals 
League Details
League Type: LeagueRoundRobin
Demographic: Mens Open
Division: Division
Sport: Indoor Soccer - Coed (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 26/09/2016
End Date: 23/01/2017
Status: Complete
Team Fee: 2.121,90 $
PlayerFee: 206,25 $
Other Fee Info: Register Online at:

Fees do not include applicable taxes.
More Info: For more information contact MSL@mississauga.ca