- For on going updates on standings and schedules, please visit our website at www. mississauga.ca/leagues
- Everyone must ensure they are registered for the program.
- Games will start ON TIME. If a team fails to show with a minimum of 4 team players 10 minutes after the game start time, it is an automatic default win to the other team. Game times will not be compromised for any late starts.
- Matches will be best of 5 games to 25 points (win by 2) with a 27 cap max (team can win a game 27-26). If match goes to a 5th game and time is limited, first to 15 points (cap at 17) or whoever is leading by the end of the time frame will receive the win for that game.
- Games will be scheduled for a 60 minute time slot. 60 minute time slot includes warm up and game play.
- The final game within the timeslot must have commenced prior to the 5 minute time limit warning. Any game that commences after the 5 minute time limit warning will be considered void.
- Games are self refereed. Therefore the league asks that you be courteous in calling your own/opposing teams infractions and in’s/out’s. If no mutual decision can be met, the ball must be re-served.
- You must have 2 women on the court at all times. If you only have one woman then you must play with 5 players. No female players results in a forfeit.
- Teams with 5 members (or less) may choose to play or pull in a substitute player. However, ALL PLAYERS MUST BE REGISTERED IN THE PROGRAM.
- To participate in the playoffs, players must have played in 75% of the regular season games with their team – no “ringers” allowed.
- Please report the score to the coordinator before you leave. Each team captain must check with the convenor and sign the Score Sheet for the match. This will confirm that the score is correct.
- Substitutions – continuous rotation: all team members (on the court and on the bench) must be played in a game where the bench player rotates in for the player who served last in a continuous circle. No player may be skipped when using this option. The person that served last takes a place on the bench. The person replacing them and starts at the middle back position.
Unless otherwise stated, tie breakers in standings will be determined as follows:- win/loss percentage- wins, head to head versus tied teams- plus/minus (+/-) points differential between the tied teams
- Rally point scoring (every serve is a point).
- You can not block a serve
- Maximum of 5 serves in a row
- Stay off the net (if you do touch the net, it is the other teams ball)
- No crossing over the centre line
- If the ball lands on the line, it is in.
- Maximum of 3 hits per side
- You may use your feet
- No lifting (open hand upward movement of the ball) or scooping (hand staying in contact with the ball as the arm moves in an upward position)
- Let serves are permitted and must be played (ie. if the ball hits the net and lands in then it counts.)