Indoor Soccer - Coed Rules & Regulations


MSL – Adult Soccer League Rules


The MSL has established some important indoor soccer playing rules that are to be met when signing up for the league. Please see below a detailed list of those rules:


Team/Individual Registration


Team/Individual registration fees must be paid as per city of Mississauga payment policies. Teams & individuals will have the option to pay in full or participate in a payment plan. Any team or player that is not in good standing (fees paid as agreed) will not be permitted to play in any future games until payment is made. Failure to pay in a timely manner may result in withdrawal from the league.  


Player Registration – MANDATORY


All players must complete the player waiver prior to participating in a league game. If any player participates without completing registration, the game may be considered a forfeit for illegal players.


·       ALL players on a Team need to complete the waiver before stepping onto the field. You may complete the waiver online using the link below:

o   Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the league you have registered for

o   Players will need to click on “Enroll Now”, “Team Registration”, and it will prompt you to create an account or sign in.

o   Then you will select “Join an existing team”, find your team name in the drop down list, and enter the password your team captain has created for your team.

·       A player is allowed to play on only one team per division. The players name must appear on the game sheet of any team they are registered for.

·       No new player registrations or team roster additions will be accepted once teams reach the roster limit of 18 players. Any new players being added must not have played in the division or in the same league of the team they want to join.  

·       Every session the League office will communicate to all team captains when the last day to register players will be. After this deadline convenors will have the ability to request the ID of any player they feel is not registered.

·       All players in the Over 35 league must be 35 or older on the date of registration to be eligible to play. Players who are 34 and have a birthday before the end of the session in which they are registering for will be considered eligible.





Dressing Rooms


Each team will be provided a dressing room for their respective game every week. A dressing room schedule will be located at the Customer Service Desk.


Please Note: Teams will have to provide their own locks as we no longer issue dressing room keys.


Players are prohibited from changing on the field and must use the changerooms.

Dressing Room procedure is as follows:

1.     Each team has the option of bringing their own lock to keep their belongings in the dressing room during league play

2.     The dressing rooms are to be left as they were found (i.e. cleanliness, respecting the space)

3.     No smoking or alcoholic beverages allowed at any time.

·       1st infraction will result in your next game being forfeited

·       2nd infraction will result in your teams removal from the league


The Match Ball


The match ball will be an outdoor regulation ball. No Indoor/Futsal balls will be permitted. The ball must be Size 5 and approved by the referee prior to the start of the game.


Number of Players


·       Unless specified otherwise by the rules of the competition, a match shall be played by two teams, each with no more than six players and no less than four players on the field (one of whom must be a goal keeper)

·       Should a team not meet the minimum number of players at any time during the match; the game will be stopped and the team without the minimum number of players will receive a default loss of 3-0.

·       Substitutes are made on the fly or at any stoppage of play. The game shall not be delayed to allow substitution, except for the substitution of the goalkeeper. The goalkeeper must indicate to the match official that a substitution is being requested.

·       Unlimited substitutions shall be allowed.

·       When any player other than the goalkeeper is to be replaced, substitutions shall not enter the field of play until the player being replaced is within 1 metre of your team’s player bench. Neither the player entering or the player leaving may interfere with the play while both are on the field. Any abuse of this rule could result in a two (2) minute penalty.

·       Any of the other players may change places with the goalkeeper, provided that the referee is informed before the change is made, and provided also, that the change is made during a stoppage of play.

·       Co-ed game format is 4 males and 2 females and each team must have at least one (1) female player on the field at all times with a maximum of 4 males; May include the Goalie. In the case that a team can only field one female player who also receives a two minute penalty, a male player from her team must serve the penalty. Should the one female player receive a Red Card (dismissed from the game) her team will automatically lose the game by default.


Start and Restart of Play


·       The game shall commence from the centre circle and the ball can be played in any direction. Ball will be kicked in when the ball crosses the sideline.

·       When a goal is scored the game may not restart until both teams have reached their respective end. Any attempt to delay this process or excessive celebration could result in a 2 minute penalty.

·       Goalkeepers are not allowed to throw a live ball directly into the opposing team’s net. If this occurs, the restart will result in a goal kick for the opposing team.

·       A player cannot score an own goal directly from a kick-in. If this happens, the opposing team is awarded a corner kick.


The Game


·       A minimum of four players is required to start a game. If a team cannot field the minimum number within 10 minutes of the scheduled kick off time, they will forfeit the game by a score of 3-0.

·       The game will consist of two 25 minute halves. Games starting late may have the time reduced in order to stay on schedule. At half time the interval shall not exceed two (2) minutes, except by the consent of the Referee.

·       Scoreboards will start at the 0:00 minute mark and run up until 24:00 is shown on the clock

·       Clock will end at 24:00.  The final minute of play will be at the referee’s discretion. Referee will blow the whistle to end the game. If the team with possession is on a promising attacking play then 15sec may be added to allow the play to finish.  If a penalty shot is called then the team is allowed to take the penalty shot after time has expired.

·       Games that are abandoned due to severe injuries, power outage, and other unforeseen circumstances after the second half has commenced will stand. Games that end before the second half will be reschedule for the reasons stated above.

·       Any games abandoned due to physical or verbal confrontations will be defaulted by the offending team(s) at the discretion of the discipline committee

·       All games will consist of five outfield players and a goalkeeper (6v6).




·       No sliding tackles are permitted where contact or potential contact is or could be made with another player.

·       Sliding to keep the ball in play when no player is around you is NOT considered a slide tackle


Free Kicks


·       All free kicks are indirect. Players who encroach within 5 meters of the kicker may be cautioned by the Referee.


Penalty Kicks


·       Penalty kicks during regular or overtime shall be taken from the penalty spot. The kick may be taken by anyone on the game sheet for that game.

·       A penalty shoot-out is to be taken by 3 shooters from each team. If still tied then it goes into sudden death, where each team takes 1 kick at a time. No repeat shooters are permitted until a team has used all of their players.

·       Prior to commencing kicks from the penalty mark, both team must ensure to have equal number of players who will be participating in the kicks. Teams will reduce to equate (including co-ed games) both male and female players (i.e. if one team has 6 males and 4 females while the other team has 8 males and 5 females. Both teams will commence the kicks from the penalty mark with 6 males and 4 female players, team with extra players will have the choice to pick those who will not be participating in the kicks)

·       During a co-ed penalty shoot-out the kickers must alternate between male & female shooters in that order.




·       For a minor infraction - the player will serve a two minute penalty. The player must serve the entire two minutes even if his/her team were to concede a goal.

o   Player who is serving a two minute penalty will be eligible to return to the field of play only after signaled to do so by the match official.

·       Fighting or physical engagement of any kind off the ball will not be tolerated. The league has a ZERO tolerance policy for fighting. Any pushing, shoving or yelling in close proximity at or between opposing players will result in an immediate yellow card. Second offence will result in a direct red. Should a single player be involved in a fight, that player will be suspended for the session. Players return to the league will be considered only once the session is complete. Should three or more players from one team be involved in a fight, the team will be removed from the league. A team’s return will be considered only once the session is complete.

·       Any team that registers for the league must not have more than three players who were previously part of a team that has been banned indefinitely from the league. If more than three players from a banned team are found on a new team, that team will be disqualified from the league unless the player total is reduced to three or fewer.

·       Team captains who do not provide notice of their team not showing up to their scheduled game by 4pm for week day games and 12pm for Sunday games will automatically be suspended for 1 game. During the week this notice should be provided via email at If your game is on Sunday’s please call our Customer Service Desk at 905-615-3200 ext. 2895

·       Red Cards - If a player is given a red card, he/she shall leave the playing area immediately.

·       The guilty team shall play a player down for 5 minutes, no matter how many goals are scored against them. After the five minute period, the team shall return to full strength, excluding the player that received the red card, only after signaled to do so by the match official.

·       If a goalkeeper receives a two minute penalty, his/her time may be served by another player on the field. For a red card, he/she will be ejected from the game and will not be allowed to come back to play.

o   In co-ed games if male goal keeper receives a two minute penalty, it can not be served by a female player

·       Any substitute player (not on the field of play) who receives a two minute or a five minute penalty, will result in their team taking a player off for the duration of the penalty issued.

o   In co-ed games if male player receives a two minute penalty, it can not be served by a female player

·       Each team is responsible for the behavior of their spectators. Spectators must remain away from the players benches at all times. Only Individuals indicated on the Game Sheet are allowed on the field/player bench areas.

·       Each team MUST have a minimum of 4 players on the field (3 players and 1 goalie) at all times. If at any time during the game for whatever reason a team has less than 4 players that team will automatically forfeit the game by a score of 3-0, no matter what the current score. If both teams are found at fault it shall be considered a double default loss.

·       If a referee decides to abandon a game due to one teams actions that team will automatically forfeit the game by a score of 3-0, no matter what the current score.

·       Players who receive a red card will face supplementary suspensions. All suspensions are handed out by the MSL Discipline Committee and refer to document MSL Soccer League Suspension Guidelines for appropriate length of suspension. Team captains will be notified via email for any suspensions handed out to their team.

·       Any player who received a red card is automatically suspended for the next game and is not permitted to participate in any further league games for any team (i.e. if they play for multiple teams within the league) until discipline has been assigned from the committee.

·       A player is not eligible to participate for any team while they are serving a suspension related to violent conduct or abuse of an official.


Appeal Process


·       After being suspended, teams have 48 hours to appeal the decision. 

·       For any suspension length, teams may email the league directly with a written appeal outlining their request to reduce the suspension.




·       All players MUST have their ID’s with them during the playoffs

·       Teams have the option to ask the League Convenor’s to complete an ID check of each opposing player

·       Teams must request an ID check before the start of the 2nd half, if requested once the 2nd half begins then the request can be denied

·       If neither team asks to see ID then an ID check will not be completed

·       If both teams are found with illegal player(s) then the players in question will be removed and the game will continue

·       Playoff Format:

o   2 x 25 minute halves

o   If tied: 3 Penalty Kicks

o   If still tied: Sudden Death (1 Penalty Kick per team)

·       If a team is involved in a physical altercation during the playoffs it is at the discretion of the Match Official and League Convenor whether or not to allow the team to advance to the next round of playoffs


Player Eligibility Protest


·       A team must protest the eligibility of an opposing player prior to the start of the 2nd half. The protest is made to the league staff. You must point out which player(s) you wish to protest. Any team found using ineligible players will forfeit that said match by a score of 3-0. If ineligible players are found and the opposing team would like to continue playing, the illegal players may be removed from the game and the game will continue with the current game score. The final result of the game will stand and not be open to objection after the final whistle.

·       A team who knowingly plays an ineligible player may face disciplinary action from the league.


Players Equipment


·       The player's equipment shall consist of a regular uniform with a number on the shirt that corresponds to his/her number on the Game Sheet.

·       It is mandatory for all players on the team to have the same coloured shirts with unique numbers.

·       The goalkeeper must wear a numbered shirt with colours that distinguish him/her from the other players on both teams.

·       Footwear shall be running shoes, indoor soccer shoes (Flat sole), Turf Shoe's or outdoor cleats (Molded Stud). No metal cleats or six studs will be permitted.

·       In the event that the teams have the same colour shirt, the home team must change. Teams will be required to have primary and alternate kits for every game. No pinnies shall be provided.

·       Shin guards and Soccer socks are mandatory at all times and shin guards must be covered by the socks.

·       Knee braces and soft casts must be padded and will be at the discretion of the referee and league staff. If the referee feels that the brace or cast can be seen as dangerous then the referee has the authority to not allow the player to play

·       No hard casts are permitted

·       No jewellery is permitted to be worn unless a medical bracelet. Fitbits/Smart Watches are not permitted to be worn.


Game Sheets


·       Each player on a team must be represented on the game sheet. Players on the game sheet(s) will be verified by league staff as they enter our field house/dome.

·       After the Player Registration Deadline all players including the team captain must have a form of picture ID to verify their identity if ever questioned by the opposing team or League Convenor.

·       The team captain/representative must fill out the game sheet before the start of the game to avoid any disruptions during the game

·       Team captains must also sign the bottom of the game sheet indicating that everything stated on the game sheet is accurate.

·       A maximum of 18 players are allowed to be on a single team’s game sheet.




·       A referee will be appointed to each game. He/she shall enforce the laws of the game and their decision(s) during the game shall be final. He/she must complete the game sheet at the end of each game and report in writing any discipline problems occurring during the game.

·       The League will not tolerate any abuse to Referees or League staff at any time. Referee’s decision or interpretation is final.

League Standings/Tie Breakers


1.     Points

2.     Goal Difference

3.     Goals For

4.     Goals Against


If any rule is not covered or there is confusion the League Conveners decision will prevail. The League Office will have final discretion on all league matters.





















MSL League Office

5600 Rose Cherry Place, Mississauga, On | L4Z 4B6

(905) 615-3200 x 3418